It's about time we showcased some of the great photography from Bullski 2006. Following is a series of action shots from Kit Zane.
For the first few days weather was delightful, even if the snow conditions weren't. Despite this fact, Bullskiers tore it up as can be seen from this shot of Dr. Jazz Luvgap in full flight, and Nhobel J. Tzu breaking it down for y'all.
Friday saw the snow "puking down" providing the best conditions of the trip, and according to a few locals, some of the best conditions of the season. This allowed the Bullskiers to really strut their stuff in some forgiving terrain, as can be seen from Woody, Shredder and Crouching Tiger above.
Wednesday saw the bolder members of the crew out surveying the resort for wicked air and found it in the upper reaches of Pleasant Valley. Here we see Arbo and Wayne "Monkey Arms" Brown logging some serious hang-time.
Stay tuned for the next update...