Monday, December 05, 2005
Friday, November 18, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Friday, September 23, 2005
Revisit queenstown

Click this link for a slideshow of a bull-ski 02 at Queenstown NZ.
(It's a large file so be patient while it loads. If you are dial-up it may be a bit of a test of patience!)
Upload Video and Images - Putfile
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Well, the crew from
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Monday, July 25, 2005
Travel arrangements
How good is this?
Finally through much under-handed wheeling and dealing, Mikeski has convinced the IT nazis to make available the Bullski Blog on Mikski's work computer.
Mike did some calling around yesterday and came up with the following travel arrangements. Simon had kindly offered to give Greg a lift down with Jas and Nads. Paul and Michelle have offered their services as an equipment car. The catch here is that they are leaving around 2.00 pm Thursday. That means any gear you want to deligate to Paul will have to be ready for Mike to drive across there on Wednesday night. That way both Simon and Romi's vehicles will need only take minimal gear and 4 people, plus boards on the roof.
Furthermore, it was suggested yesterday that with the cooking arrangements being deligated throughout the group, the chefs of the day will be obliged to hand out feedback cards for the diners to complete. Scores and comments to be posted on the website after we return.
Between now and Thursday we should decide on departure times for the two vehicles, how the pickups will work, and where they will RV.
That's all for now.
Mikeski (from Bullski now) out.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
The Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race
The Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race is a competition put on by the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers.
The purpose of the competition is to design a toboggan of which the running surface (whatever touches the snow) must be made of concrete. Each year teams and their toboggans are judged on concrete design, brake design, reinforcement design, toboggan aesthetics, speed, stopping distance, and team spirit.
The competition includes a technical expo where teams display their toboggan and technical paper and, of course, the race. The competition is held at various universities in Canada in the beginning of each year.
Where is Dangerous Dave when you need him?
Monday, July 18, 2005
pre-bullski drinks
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Bull-Ski Google Group
A Bull Ski group now exists at google. Follow the link at the heading above to join.
Updates to this site will be broadcast to members of the group via e-mail.Thursday, July 14, 2005
Bullski 2005 10 working days left (10 / 11, Close enough
Anyone keen to have a social night next Thursday or Friday (21-22nd) in North Sydney for drinks? Maybe the Oaks if you're after somewhere different. Thought it might be a good idea for everyone to catch up. It also allows for discussion about the upcoming trip, things like..
- Bullski Miller video montage. In depth interview with it's producer, Mike-Ski
- Idea's for a 'theme' night - I vote we don't have a 'Cool Waters' night, regardless of how fun it was last year.
- Compare toboggan deathtra.. err.. designs & schematics
- Sear menu planning & creating a checklist for the native roadkill we need to collect along the highway
- Idea's for the trip, you know.. general discussion and talkin the talk
- Place betting odds of first stack of the week / most improved / least prepared in fitness / etc...
AKA - Kit Zane
Work Sucks
Bad bad news.
I am hoping I can drive up on Friday night (or maybe morning) to catch up with Kit and the crew.
Next Trip
Please pass this on to relevant partners and the like who have been missed on this email.
Stay tuned to this site for more info to come!
Welcome to Bull-Ski Blogsite
Send me any comments or pics you have about or from Bullskis past and present.
Doc Swyznox